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Welcome to MVST, Nicole!

The MVST family is growing again! Please give our Content Manager Nicole Eisebraun a warm welcome!

Today we would like to introduce you to Nicole, who becomes a new member of our MVST family today! We are so happy that you are part of our great team and wish you all the best for your new chapter.

To get to know our new employee we collected some facts...

About Nicole

  • Full Name: Nicole Eisebraun
  • Home country: Germany πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ
  • Location: Team Munich πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ
  • Position: Content Marketing Manager ✍️

Please tell us a bit about your background

Born in beautiful AllgΓ€u growing up in a lovely small village as the oldest sister of three brothers I always had many interests and couldn't just stick to one thing, whether it was sports or a musical instrument or what I would play with. Even my favorite subject in school changed weekly. So when it came to choosing a career path at 17, I had many interests, zero clues and zero decision-making capability. So when I applied for different apprenticeships there where all kinds of career paths: Animal keeper, Finance clerk, physiotherapist, media designer or even goldsmith. Looking at the career prospects, at that time most sense made the Finance clerk, so I completed the 3 years of training and was on the edge of a boreout. Sounds dramatic but it just wasn't my passion after all so I decided to work in a media agency, and there I saw that for me I need to work in an environment that changes constantly and is creative and visionary. I then started studying business administration with a focus on marketing and am since then pretty happy with the way my career developed πŸ™‚

How did you find out about MVST?

I searched on LinkedIn for working student offers for online and digital content marketing and there I saw MVST, liked what their services were and their overall appearance, and applied.

What was the main reason for you to choose the position as an Intern at MVST?

The advertised position was exactly what I was looking for since I already gained experience in that role before and wanted to continue with developing my skills in that specific job role. The position at MVST was the first one that 100% filled my expectations and matched my profile. Also, MVST is a modern company that moves with the time, follows an innovative approach to the workflow and these are important points for me when it comes to choosing an employer.